Living without a man in the house poses challenges for me when it comes to electronic stuff. Example, I got home from the Pre-Press Cocktail Party for the International Consumer Electronics Show and the TV in my bedroom was all "fuzz".
Why? I don't know. That's my point. I'm sure it was just some wire. I'm in the middle of a "decorator intervention, men with hammers who must have unplugged something when they moved the TV.
Who the heck was I going to call at 1:30 a.m. for help? OK, so I didn't go right home after the consumer electronics party.
My idea of a workable consumer electronic is my blowdryer. Oh yeah and I'm a wiz at the new iPhone which I work faster than a bookie. Beyond those however, I'm in trouble.
I can't watch a DVD unless my daughter's boyfriend is visiting, can't figure out why I'm not online unless I call one of the guys who works in my building and have three remotes that I treat like Hope Diamonds, as I live in fear of pressing the wrong button.
At the consumer electronics press party, I just glanced over shoulders at yet more cool stuff I'm not mature enough to own as long as I'm living without a man. Don't you think there should be a 24-hour consumer electronics help hotline for divorced women?
Better yet, why not a couple of 24-hour electronically gifted single, good-looking men? After all, aren't there millions of divorced guys out there with free time on their hands because no one's asking them to help with wires any more?
I think I might be onto something here. Matchmaking based on a woman's electronic needs instead of her emotional needs. Could be a hit.
What Others Have Shared ()
it's a fabulous idea! I have
it's a fabulous idea! I have no patience for electronics- I just want it to work when I turn it on!
Can I have one who does housework?
I can do the electronic stuff myself. In fact, my ex still calls me when he is having computer problems. Recently, I thought someone had died. Turned out he had just watched some show that had him worked up! Sheesh! Nothing to do with why he called me. I was/am the one to set up all the wiring, make sure stuff is plugged into the right places. I've even put in a couple of phone extensions.
Debbie, I love that you are as electronically challenged as me..and I love even more you don't understand the internet as well. I thought you were a computer whiz..this means there is hope for me and my success on the web...I loose more darn comments etc into cyberspace, and every time my verizon thing goes down..I quietly swear...and by the way..I have a guy living here my husband, and he can't do any of these things either....
My best Dorothy from grammology
remember to call your gram...