Crack me up...Alec Greven, a fourth grader from Castle Rock, Colorado, hand-wrote a pamphlet called "How To Talk To Girls" to help out his buddies' love lives.
He was selling it for $3. Now he has a book deal with Harper Collins. Is he giving his buds good advice?
Alec tells them, "Comb your hair and don't wear sweats."
Yes, honey, we girls put in a load of effort to look good for you guys, so this is the least you can do.
Alec tells the boys, "Girls win most of the arguments and have most of the power."
Yes, Alec, we do have the most power but we rarely remember that when we see you with your hair combed and all dressed up.
Alec says, "The best way to approach a girl is to keep it to a simple 'hi,'" adding, if "I say 'hi' and you say 'hi' back, we're probably off to a good start."
Yes, yes, yes, Alec! We prefer you to make the first move, otherwise we may never open our mouths.
Alec warns, "A crush is like a love disease: It can drive you mad."
You're tellin' me, kid! You boys don't own the market on this, Alec. A crush can, has, and will continue to drive us all mad till we exit this planet. No word back on whether this goes on in Heaven.
Alec says, "Make sure you have good friends who don't try to take the girl you like."
Girls need to get the same advice, sweetie.
Alec says, "Girls always like the smartest boys."
Big smooch to you, Alec, from all the mothers of America needing a lure to improve homework skills.
Alec says, "Class clowns never make a good love story with a girl, if you catch my drift."
Must be an age thing, kid...guys who make us laugh are the smartest ones and get the most dates.
Alec defines "dating" as going out to dinner without your parents. If he were older he'd probably have said..."dating" is going out to dinner without your kids.
Finally, Alec advises his buddies to beware of "pretty girls" — those with big earrings, fancy dresses, and all the jewelry. "Pretty girls are like cars and need a lot of oil," he adds. "The best choice for most boys is a regular girl."
Look, Alec, we can understand the "gold digger will break your heart" warning ...but you never know, underneath all that bling might just be a regular girl who doesn't need a lot of oil. She's just trying to look her best for you, especially if you've gone to all the trouble of combing you hair. Tell the boys to always take the risk because they never know what a person is really like until they say "hi."
Also — feel free to tell your friends they are allowed to blow some of their allowance buying the "regular girl" some nice earrings.
Attitude is everything!
Drop Debbie a line anytime: [email protected]
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