OK, it's a weekend...and my "Guilt-O-Meter" will begin to rise from LIGHTLY GUILTY on Friday night to HOLY MOTHER OF GUILT by Sunday night.
Here how's it works:
It all starts mid-Friday for this single mom, with thoughts of weekend "possibilities". It's a running battle of Guilt vs. Pleasure, and it's played out like a really sadistic game show.
Beginning about midday, thoughts of the approaching night swirl through my head... Friends? Romance? Exercise? Romance? Family? Romance?
If I wait too long to make a decision it gets dark out, and I get pooped out.
But Friday night is supposed to be the start of a breather and, with a little extra caffeine, I can gear up for pleasure. Unless it happens to storm, my hair’s too dirty, or I'm too fat...all of which even I can mostly get past these days with my new free wheeling thinking.
If I miss the caffeine, I land on the couch.
If I make it out, I am usually already guilty when I wake up on Saturday.
The GUILT-O-METER starts at "PARTLY GUILTY" the minute I open my eyes and steadily rises. As I zoom around doing errands , thoughts of Needs vs Desires thrash around in my head.
The Needs: things like a car wash, household fixits, food shopping, laundry, manicure, etc., etc., etc. are all pitted directly against…
The Desires: laying at a pool, going on a boat, buddy time with my daughter, and lust. No time for sitting down here. Whichever I choose, I start feeling guilty about not doing the other.
Saturday Night:
The GUILT-O-METER holds steady at "MOSTLY GUILTY" because there's no way I completed everything on the Needs list earlier, and I am either out thinking screw it or I am home on the couch passed out.
If I make it out, I am probably having red wine and am welcoming a temporary "guilt amnesia".
The needle then drops back to LIGHTLY GUILTY.
Sunday Morning:
The GUILT-O-METER opens up at LIGHTLY GUILTY and, depending on how many other Desires have beaten out Needs (and how many other people made it to church besides me) continues rising steadily throughout the day passing MOSTLY GUILTY, flying past OFF THE CHARTS GUILTY, and ending Sunday Night by pinning itself at a steady HOLY MOTHER OF GUILT.
Then it's Monday.
It you missed any of this, tune in next Friday for another run through.