Dealing With Loneliness And Divorce

Dealing With Loneliness And Divorce

Why you're not as alone as you think

Posted to by First Wives World on Tue, 10/05/2010 - 10:13am

Divorce is about change, whether we like it or not, and one of the biggest changes most of us are faced with as we work through the challenges of our divorce is loneliness

Even though some of us may have children and family who can certainly help quell some of the feelings of loss and loneliness, we are suddenly faced with being without a partner in life, without a companion; without someone to reach out to emotionally and lean on or confide in. In many ways it’s like losing a limb, and we have to learn to walk through life in ways we never thought we’d have to at this stage in our lives, without the support of a life mate.

Of course, we all have different stories, and some of us are better off without the man we once lived with, but loneliness is still a significant factor, no matter what the situation. In fact, loneliness is one of the most common emotions people experience that have recently gone through a divorce no matter what the reasons or specifics are.

It’s important to realize though that while divorce may start out as a lonely stage in life, and even a scary one, it doesn’t have to stay that way. And the reality is you’re not alone, certainly not here within our social network, where you'll find thousands of women supporting each other through divorce. Whether you're contemplating, navigating or moving beyond divorce, there are women in all stages of divorce, filled with lots of compassion, love and sound advice.

We’re all here for each other, and the issue of dealing with loneliness is discussed often.

We’ve compiled a list of recent discussions from the social network that touch on dealing with the issues of loneliness in one way or another to help make it easier for those of you looking for answers, support and help.

Discussions from the social network around dealing with loneliness and divorce:

loneliness - how to get over it?
Living on my own for the first time since my divorce
want to start the divorce but am scared
The positive aspects of being on your own
feelings of isolation in divorce
not all bad, just lonely and wanting more from life
sitting here miserable and tearful
Tips to deal with loneliness with divorce
A few of my favorite things to do to deal with the loneliness post-divorce

Click the following to join the social network


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