To All The Divorced Mothers: Stand Up, Take A Bow, Pat Yourself On The Back And Hear The Applause!
To All The Divorced Mothers: Stand Up, Take A Bow, Pat Yourself On The Back And Hear The Applause!
Life can be so hard. Surviving divorce can be harder. Surviving divorce with children is amazing. As a survivor of divorce without kids, my hat goes off to those who felt they lacked the strength to move on.
With feeling null and void as a person you managed to struggle through your emotions, get up and make sure that your kids were okay. Even if you did have your moments of confining yourself to your bedroom crying at night so the kids don't hear you, you still managed to do something your ex probably could never do, and that is get through the divorce process while continuing to care for your kids and yourself.
Even better, you managed through all the chaos to still make room in your heart to make sure that your kids were affected as little as possible and make sure he still made efforts to have a relationship with his kids! Wow! (Applause) Can you hear it?!
No matter what you may think of yourself as a soon-to-be-ex-wife, woman, or mother — you have to believe that you are truly someone special, and you should make room to forgive yourself for whatever you felt you did wrong in your marriage and know that their is life and happiness after divorce even with kids.. it's there waiting for you to take it! All you have to do is believe...
To the mothers, take your bow!!
— by I. Sellers
Good writeup.
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