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Women Helping Women: First Wives World Stands Behind Katie Couric
Posted by FWW on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 10:34am
At First Wives World, we believe in women supporting women. That's our bottom line and what we're all about. We want to help women reinvent their lives and navigate life on their own. When FWW's Debbie Nigro decided to send Katie Couric some love from our community, we received an amazing response. Stay tuned on the blog to see what you said!
You know what.. some who had signed here which don't think Katie deserved a chance are losers.. Common!! Katie is a one of the most considerate person alive... Being perky doesn't mean you're not competent enough.. I think we should help her.. made her back to the #1 or 2nd spot.. Thanks Debbie for thinking this.. Godbless this website... supporting Katie is one of the nicest thing you could ever do!!
You go Debbie!
Right on... this is not about Katie Couric in particular, though I think she's great, and has had some pretty rough times over the years. It's about supporting each other, as women. Hallelujah!
What does that mean? and is it even real? Were to support her just because she is female? are we susposed to vote for Hillary for the same reason? Are we to vote for every woman that runs for anything or is on anything just because they are a woman?
Have you been watching her on the news? Perky? No way she is awful.
Just due to the fact that we share the same gender does not mean that I should support her. Really girls a lot of you sound very very bitter its sad to see really. I can't imagine you finding lasting love with these huge chips on your shoulders. Take a look at what you did to cause this behavior before taking the easy way and blaming men.
Some are bad most are good. Don't let your acid spillith over.
I think you're taking this wrong.
I think the idea is that, if you CHOOSE TO, we can band together as women and work towards creating a reality where a solo female anchor is not only acceptable, but applauded. That's not to say that we are blindly supporting women, but that we have a certain responsibility to changing the dynamic in society. There was a time, not too long ago, when women couldn't vote at all... this is a way to show the networks that it is possible to have a woman anchoring the evening news, telling things like they are, and still being a real woman. I think Katie is doing the best she can right now under the circumstances. I think she'll be able to do better if her numbers go up. If you don't agree, fine... but this isn't bitterness. This is empowerment. And, by the way, no one said anything about disliking men anywhere in this clip. That's your own chip on your shoulder.
Perhaps your acid spilleth over a little too much as well, methinks.
Katie Couric
Any woman taking on a so-called "man's job" is going to be subjected to criticism. Katie brought years of experience to the job and attempted to provide a new dimension.
Any new approach brings comments, pro and con, but unless she has the backing of her producers and staff, it would be difficult to achieve her goals.
Seems to me that CBS is "dumping" on her instead of giving her the support she deserves. It is appropriate for both men and women to stand behind Katie who has blazed new trails. Sets
re: lazy, hazy, hatie katie days of summer
Ms. Nigro:
Ms. Couric's morning success hasn't translated to the evenings because now "it's all about Katie". Under the microscope it becomes evident that she does not possess the journalistic talents of her current competitors and many of the former network night-time anchors. It doesn't help that she has outdistanced her competitors in the category of "most run-ins with employees/ staff/ co-workers".
Of course, she could reverse all this misfortune if she simply started wearing a pinky ring (perhaps you could lend her one of yours?).
Have a good nosh at the restaurant, and save the last schmear for me...
[email protected]
lazy susan here ... schmear this!
okay Bart, just what are you suggesting? I oddly feel the pangs of a chauvinist hidden within your comment. Maybe I'm misreading, but what would a pinky ring do to enhance her career or public perception? Are you suggesting that women should be women? that they can't "not" wear a ring and still be successful? Yes she's had her moments of frustration and outbursts, but I've worked with plenty of men that have acted even more like monkey's that she ever did. The rumors I've heard about Lou Dobbs is he can be a real tough monster with his crew ...
Schmear that on your bagel Bart ;)
Poor Katie
Why in the world would any one care about poor little Katie's falling ratings. She had a good gig making descent millions. She left for even more millions. I personally could care less about her ratings. I am sure she is being paid the millions even if there are only three viewers.
Why don't you all feel sorry for someone who really needs it. How about people living on the streets, people starving to death in world and just plain ordinary people living from payday to payday.
Katie is rich.
I've never really supported her
but I hate to see anyone take a fall or get beaten in the press, especially when she's worked as hard as she has to get where she is, and then taken a risky leap into a new venue. This girls thumbs are up... for the moment anyway
love the graphs
who edited this together. the graphs are very whimsical and cool.
I mean I like Katie, and, well, ms. nigro??? gives good speech, but the GRAHPS! they are too cool. and funny ...
absolutely will not support!
Why would you choose to support a mother who has enough money to offer her children every advantage in life? How is she relevant or inspiring to those of us just working to make ends meet. I'll tell you - she isn't. How about a single mother struggling to feed the kids, provide day care, hold down a full time job with out the luxuries of nannies, cooks and chauffers and having enough strength at the end of the day to shower her children with love and support. I for one do not like her show but even if I did I think your support should be for those who are truly in need - not just one who will raise the profile of your web site.
you stink. what's wrong with a little support for her. we're all struggling at one point or another in our lives. I have two kids, my husband left me, and I'm paying all the bills now cause he wont pay my alimony. I have everything to be bitter about, but i'm not taking it out on anyone... well, maybe on my ex every once in while ;) but not Katie!!!!
that's a bit bitter miss "no support"
You seem so jaded. Everyone makes choices in life. I've worked in broadcasting and it's no easy ride. It's not like the life of an actress where they're getting kissed up to and only work for three months or so on a set and then go on vacation for months at a time (at least some of them) ....
A broadcaster is on 24/7, whenever a story breaks. It does all vary, and no one needs to make excuses for anyone, but you are way off base and I disagree with your position..
i totally agree too
bitter bitter bitter
you go girl i totally agree.
you go girl i totally agree.
You have my support.
Hey, I am a male that never watched the eve news but because of Katie I now watch the eve news with Couric. I love her.
You have my support.
Deb rallies for Katie
It really doesn't matter whether you are a fan of Katie's or not....just the fact that she made it to the big time and is making great money should be the inspiration to us all. She worked animal hours to get to where she is, so kudos to her....and Debbie Nigro for spotlighting her achievements. I love that Debbie sings the praises of other women. This is a true woman that has heart and soul!
because she's perky?!!?!
pathetic reasons to love a glossy packaged- journalist. all looks and no substance makes your girl look like a floozy. "because she's perky?...ha ha ha ha...no wonder I divorced you. you like dumb things
your ex-husband
If I ever did like you, whoever you are- then you are right I sometimes like dumb things. Smart girls sometimes make bad choices in their personal lives.
Katie Couric
Give me a break. She gets paid milions of dollars, has someone clean her house, do her shopping, cook her food and gets completely pampered. How can anyone feel sorry for her?? How about the Mom's making little money and doing ALL of the work themselves.
After her interview with.....
John Edwards, where she was pressing the issue of his continuing push for the presidency when his wife had a cancer relapse, I've realized that once and for all she in NO journalist. This has nothing to do with getting what she deserves or anything of that nature, she is just over her head.
Also, she sandbagged President Bush (the father) in another interview, so I don't think she's very true to her word.
First Wives, Widows, Singles.....
Leave Katie alone. Whats wrong with the Television buttinskys. I bet some man wants to oust her. Katie represents too many things for women in all walks of life. Including Widows, of which I am one, but there are hundreds of thousands and thousands of single women who are just happy being single. Career women, Home makers etc. etc. etc. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Preachers, we are out there doing everything that men do only better! What can women do that men can't? Many things, but right up front is we can have babies.....Men have to depend on women for that. HaH! Katie is a perkie start for my day everyday. Leave her alone! dee weber Indianapolis In
Katie Couric
Katie is fabulous. The "boys club" doesn't want her to succeed. Apparently a lot of jealous women don't either. Let's all rally around Katie and TURN ON THE TV at 5:30 p.m. - Mon - Fri!
I have watched Katie since day one on the Today Show, and I will continue watching Katie on CBS News every night. I think she is one of the best news people out there and I will ALWAYS support her. I think all women should unite and support her!
Katie Couric Bandwagon
I have started watching Katie more, knowing that my viewership has very little effect on her status as CBS News Anchor.
One thing that should be made known, though, is that CBS needs to rethink it's lighting on the set. Katie looks positively macabre! I have seen her on television and in print and never does she appear so ghastly as on the Evening News. It could be makeup and lighting, but it's really not flattering at all.
I'm sorry, but I honestly cannot support your effort to "rally the troops" around Katie Couric. She is a hack and lacks the skill needed for a "professional" journalist. Now Leslie Stahl, that's a newswoman and Katie Couric is no Leslie Stahl. No thanks, but I'll just continue getting my news from online sources.
You obviously don't know "Katie" about broadcasting
Leslie Stahl can't hold water when it comes to Couric. She's the hack. Couric has style and is both intellectually and down-home effective and communicative. !!!!!
She is waaaay too perky for one over-hyped, fake, toothy broad. I'll constantly give her a beat-down if I married her.
She's a witch I hate her!
Katie should get back in the
Katie should get back in the kitchen and get my dinner on the table.
Katie Couric
I am all for the revolution of women. I love to see women succeed. But just as I have disliked some men who do not come off well, I dislike Katie. Her behavior toward Steven Cojocaru was atrocious, and that includes her finger towards Oprah, the ultimate women's role model. I saw an interview with Jessica Lynch, another role model for her honesty regarding her experiences and not letting Bush administration use her, and Katie was insensitive and callous. Jessica was openly offended. If you are going to chose an american woman to celebrate and rally behind, chose one who is worthy. Katie is a millionaire, not a typical single mom.
I adore Katie!
You are doing a great job and it is refreshing to have an intelligent, articulate woman doing the news. Don't let those aged, stiff, male robots get you down! I only wish your show was longer!
Keep on truckin!!
We live in such a pig dominated world-let's band together women and show them who's boss!!! Aren't men currently running the government? Look at the bang up job they've been doing-what a success-NOT!!!
Keep Katie there!
Let's give Katie the credit she deserves. See if we women can get her the votes that she needs to stay where she is. How many times to you turn on a TV and see a perky, smiling face - day or night, like Katie's. She is one of us. Go Katie, Go!
Joan in Kentucky
You're the best Katie!
I watch you everynight. I would not even think of watching the
other channels. Keep up the great reporting!
Sincerely, Debbie R.
Cheerleading for Katie Couric
Deb- I love it that you are Katies #1 Cheerleader and with the squad behind you (the 40 million divorced women) I think that Katie will get the love that she has worked so hard for and deserves! Go Debbie GO!! Win Katie WIN!
One step forward..two steps back...three steps forward
Take it from a woman who is out of the spotlight, but realizes that life is full of challenges... if we sat on our assess and were afraid to take big leaps in our carreers, we may be safer, but certainly not fulfilled!!!!
What do we do next?
I'm with you. Give us some marching orders. Write CBS? E-mail the ratings people? I'm new at this.
Sandy (Miami)
As far as I am concerned, the majority of the women in this
country want to be you. You are a media icon, and there are
unfortunately too may people that don't adapt well to change!
Thank goodness you do!
Rock on Katie,
Edie From NJ
We love you Katie!!
You are in a no win situation and the Today Show will NEVER BE THE SAME!!!, I would soooo love to have you back at the Today Show. My mornings are ruin forever, but you did the right thing. Keep your chin up Katie!!! We are watching and think you're doing a fabulous job!
We love you!!!
Keeping it real
Katie, answer only to yourself and take the rest in stride....We love you..Tell the sharks to eat tuna....Jeanne
Katie, will you marry me?
The Donald
Katie will rule. Just watch
This is like politics. Call everyone. Get people to sit still and watch. This isn't just for Katie and CBS. This is for all of us, too.
Im behind you
Katie girl, I am behind you 100%. We are going to get your ratings back up there where they belong. You're one of the best we have out there.
Katie ... sorry it took so long!
Debbie ... thanks. Let's prove to the media gods we make a difference.
Thanks Debbie
I'll make a point to watch. You bet we're there for her! I'll call my friends too.
Give Katie more space and control. I trust her.
I'll bet she knows better than most what we want. Stop trying to make her look like someone she isn't.
She's Katie.
Fun, happy, sincere. Scrap all that business serious look.
right.. the business look is not jiving
she should just be herself. Let your hair down and swing with it. They're trying to make her something they want, rather than something she should just be naturally.