Hail Marietta

Support for children of divorce is everywhere – just look for it


There is probably no way to oversell the idea that divorce is tremendously difficult for children.

But parents whose kids experience ongoing struggles with divorce have nobody to blame but themselves.

Okay, I know that sounds harsh, but I don't mean it in the way you might think.

A story in the Marietta Times reported on a local support group for children of divorce. Marietta, Ohio — in case you're wondering — is a truly thriving metropolis if there ever was one: a town of about 14,000 that you get to by leaving Cleveland and driving south on I-77 for three hours until you're in the middle of nowhere.

My point here is that if you can find a support group like this in a place like Marietta, Ohio, you can find one anywhere. If your kids need help coping with your divorce all you need to do is look around. You're bound to find it.

The CBS Early Show did two segments a couple of weeks ago on how to help kids through a divorce. (Read our coverage here and here.) There was some great advice in those pieces. The Marietta Times story provides a lot of the same type of useful information.

Two of the many crucial things-to-do to help your children deal with the situation in an emotionally-healthy way:

  1. Make sure your kids understand the divorce isn't their fault.
  2. Make sure you don't poison their opinion of your ex.

It's too important to leave it to chance. Avail yourself, and your kids, of whatever help you can find. You will all be better off for it.

Click here to read more.


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It's important that this information is out there for people. Thank you for the posting.


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