Taking My Leaf Blower Too


I was too pissed to sleep, and I wanted to see the kids. I knew both would be up at 5:30 to shower and eat and begin their day of college classes and work.

Since it was already three, I decided sleep could wait and held off popping a sleeping pill. The Dick retreated to RJ's room, where a very lumpy futon reluctantly held his name.

At quarter after five, I boiled water for tea, made eggs and bagels and woke both kids with kisses as I shut of their alarm clocks. We sat down together in a dimly lit dining room, in the dark of the morning, and shared our first meal together in three weeks.

Even though both kids were grumpy, half asleep and didn't talk much, it was wonderful just being together again. After showering and dressing and gathering their books, I sent them off on their way and then realized I still had a bigger problem to deal with.

I stomped up the steps to RJ's room, flipped on the lights and did my best to pick up and then drop one end of the futon. The Dick stirred. A muffled, "What?" was groaned from under the covers.

"I thought you had to get an early start this morning?" I said in my most chipper voice.

"Oh yeah. Thanks." And he climbed out of the covers in sagging underwear, grabbed his clothes and headed for the bathroom. He emerged freshly showered and a bit more awake, ten minutes later.

"Didn't we have a leaf blower?" He asked through the toothbrush in his mouth.

"We did. I still do."

"Well, I need it. I think I can use it on my job." I don't really care if he takes it or not. It is far too small to tackle the two acre yard with the twenty plus oak trees that shed their leaves at this time of the year. I follow him to the garage to make sure that is all he takes.

He wants an extension cord too, but it's in use, or so I claim. I shoo him off and watch him drive away. As I go back inside the house, my house, I lock the door, and check the clock. It's 8:10. Time for me to go to bed...I'm beat!

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