"I'm good at a lot of things, but I'm getting really good at being lonely."
One of my girlfriends said this to me the other day. Her comment struck me and I wrote a song about her and now I'm going to blog about it, too.
She is an amazing woman and she's right, she is good at a lot of things. She is an excellent cook, great at her job, a pretty good picker on the guitar, and a talented seamstress. Another thing she's good at is hiding her loneliness, because I didn't see it.
I met her after her divorce, about 10 years ago. In the past 10 years, she's had only one serious boyfriend and that wound up being a disaster. She continues to date, but she has not remarried and now she is 41 and wondering where her dream of a life with the husband, kids and house in the suburbs went.
As I've been planning my wedding, she's put up a good front but I can hear something funny in her voice. Well, now I know for sure because she told me she wishes she was in my shoes the other day on the phone.
I did not know what to say to her. I can't really apologize for my life or where my choices have brought me, but I felt so badly for her and wanted to comfort her. I opened my mouth to say something and nothing of real substance came out.
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I can identify