Let's face it: Divorce and money issues can be messy. Not only will you split the assets and debts during the divorce, but you'll have to figure out how to survive financially afterwards. Surviving is the key word. There is definitely a period of adjustment that can be daunting!
For me, I paid the bills, but my ex earned more than I did. When we split, we worked out a deal where he wouldn't have to pay me alimony (gasp!) but rather, I received the majority of the investments knowing I have an unconventional profession without a 401K plan. I felt that this reserve would serve as my retirement even if I never remarried. At the time of the divorce, remarrying sounded about as appealing as a root canal and someone pulling my fingernails out--at the same time!
An interesting observation is that so many women I know struggle with this adjustment, but don't want to ask for help. I was that wallflower at one point before I reached out. I was very fortunate to receive help from my parents and the added bonus that my dad is a retired math teacher! However, other women have given me valuable tips that really do help, everything from paying bills online to choosing health insurance plans to learning the cash flow curve. Rachel Small has written on how to protect your credit.
What are tips and practical suggestions taking the lead in establishing financial independence?
What Others Have Shared ()
The biggest tip of all...
Watch your credit report. I found things on mine that didn't even belong to me and I had to spend a lot of time and effort to clean it up. You can't do anything in this country without a good clean report so get hooked up on a plan where you can track it monthly. Trust me, you will be glad you did later!
financial plan
Yes, you have to have a plan. No one can swoop in and save you but you can ask for help. Good idea Vicky. I saw some sensible advice on financials from Rachel Small and A.J. Whylder as well.
Whether you are divorcing or
Whether you are divorcing or not- you have to protect yourself and your credit. It's just common sense.
How lucky for you
How lucky that you had parents and a husband who helped out in some respect. Comming from one who got screwed and then was forced to work and raise kids alone that is the reality of it...Karen