At work yesterday, one of my co-workers came over to talk to me. Although we had briefly been introduced when I started, he sits in the back away from where I sit and we didn't really have an opportunity to talk to one another. You'd think it was two different companies since I never see the IT Group, Accounting or Operations groups.
We started a conversation about real estate and how living in Manhattan eats away at your savings and that you can do so much more by living in the ‘burbs. He lives in Connecticut and informed me that he moved there about a year ago after he and his wife got divorced. We then had a conversation about divorce rates skyrocketing and how his marriage lasted less than three years.
I commented, offered my opinions, mentioned my friends who are divorced, yet I never uttered the words "me too!" I felt like a fraud for not opening up that I was separated since my new colleague was sharing things about his life with me. It was nothing personal, but for some reason, I just wasn't ready to divulge anything about my life.
I'm on a fresh start and feel that discussing my current situation would be taking two steps backward; I have already come so far. I'm sure when the time is right, I will tell my story but right now, I like the fact that I'm just the new person at work and no one knows anything more than what I tell them. I sometimes feel like I'm an imposter. Have any of you felt this way?
What Others Have Shared ()
There are no rules
You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. At some point it would be nice to get it off your chest, but I guess this is what this site is all about. You can talk about things without feeling like you are giving people too much information because you are somewhat anonymous. Some people you just don't want to know all your business, so instead chat and discuss it here where you can get answers and suggestions without people really knowing who you are. It's like going to therapy and the therapist is blind folded...hehe.
Sharing your life with people
You hardly know is very difficult. It's even more difficult when people are out right and so forward about their lives. You kind of feel blind-sided when their life comes flying at you.