I recently read an article in "Page Six" magazine that described the amount of pills New Yorkers take on a daily basis. The list goes on and on and incorporates Ambien, Klonopin, Paxil, Percocet, Ritalin, Valium, Vicodin and Valium — just to name a few. It seems that everyone has a reason why they "need" their drug of choice and somehow convince their doctors to write a prescription.
I wonder if a study has been done to determine how many of these people are in the midst of a divorce and are new "pill poppers". I can admit that my pill-popping has increased. I rarely took a Tylenol or an Advil unless I was in excruciating pain.
Now, although I would definitely would not consider myself to be a pill-popper, I've been know to pop an Ambien to help me sleep. I'm on a prescription of Doxycycline for my skin due to stress, I've been taking more Advil than for my headaches, vitamins to balance out my immune system, Zantac for my heartburn. I've been offered Zanax and Valium by half a dozen friends, and still have them wrapped in little tissues in my drawer just in case I decide I "need" them.
It's easy to find a doctor to write a prescription and it's even easier to have a friend who convinced their doctor to give them pills that they decide to share with their friends. It seems like we're all self-medicating to try to push the pain away from different parts of our bodies or our minds.
How many men do you know that have taken Viagra just because? How many people pop a Xanax before they board a plane? Half of my friends are on Prozac and I certainly don't think there is anything really wrong with them. Even illegal drugs are used to self-medicate — marijuana to ease the tension of a rough day, cocaine to help you stay awake. Everyone is becoming hypochondriacs. Nobody has to really face their issues — all they have to do is pop a pill.