
I had a wonderful evening with Shawn. He picked me up at my apartment before our date with another bottle of wine. He called me earlier in the evening to tell me what time to be ready. I asked where we were going and he responded, "out to dinner." I asked where and he said, "to a restaurant." I hate not knowing. I'm not too picky with food, but definitely have some hang-ups. And I'm also horrible with surprises.

We were late for our reservation because we were just relaxing and talking and not in a rush. It's just easy to talk to him and he thinks I'm hysterical. He gets my quirkiness and the fact that I have no filter with half of the things I say. On our walk to dinner, he commented on how I hate surprises. I'm a work in progress. I know I have to learn to let go. I thought it was sweet that he made an effort since that was one very frustrating aspects of my marriage. I'm not used to someone else making decisions.

We engaged in conversations with the entire staff of the restaurant, and our waiter even invited us to a party. We closed down the restaurant. I'm not used to that either. I was always the talkative one and felt like Steve was always disinterested in life. Shawn definitely shares the spotlight with me. We are both funny and make people feel welcome. It's a quality that I really find so attractive in a guy.

Shawn is not my "type." But the physical qualities, such as a great body and someone who is very tall, are so insignificant when I think of the more important qualities. The small gestures, like bringing over a bottle of wine and picking me up at my apartment, are the things that are making me like him more.

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