I went out for dinner with my cousin Ariel and my new step-sister, Terry. The three of us have never gotten together before, but we're all roughly the same age, and we had an absolute blast. We must do it again.
We had dinner at a restaurant that Ariel works at, which was great because she knew exactly what to order, and more important, what not to order. We each had a drink and it wasn't long before we were dishing about everything from boots to boys and laughing up a storm.
My cousin is in her first "real" relationship with a what sounds like a really great guy. They just moved in together and she seems really happy. I asked her how things were going, and she gave me what I call, "the look." You know, the look that says, not bad, not good, but rather, "eh." That look. So, I asked her, "What's up?"
She told us that she's completely in love with him, that she still misses him when they're apart, that they make each other laugh like crazy.
At this point, Terry and I exchanged looks that said "What the $%$ is her problem, then?"
She went on to say that being that it's her first real relationship, she scared that maybe she is settling and can do better. Oh, I remember feeling that way with my first boyfriend, too. Don't you?
Terry and I assured her that if she's in love with him, and they laugh and she still misses him when they're apart, that she should stay put.
The boyfriend-in-question then walked in and said, "Hey, this looks like an episode of Sex In The City," and we shut up.
A few others joined us, we went to another place for more drinks and more conversation. We stayed out much later than we should — or I stayed out much later than I should have.
At the end of the night, I gave Ariel a hug good-bye. We parted ways, and I couldn't help thinking to myself, There she goes scared that there might be something better, and here I am, scared that I may never even find good enough.
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