Women's Divorce Support Groups: Divorced Women's Yellow Pages
Women's Divorce Support Groups: Divorced Women's Yellow Pages
I noticed on the profile section there isn't really a way to post a site that you maintain, and some of the women on the site are entrepreneurs or career women.
Seems like a disconnect to me, especially when so many of us may be able to help the other women on the site with the expertise and businesses that we run or own. So I'm creating a place to post your link and a brief description of your expertise.
This is not to advertise, but to give our sisters the opportunity to make use of the biggest resource on the site. The women ;) Call it the First Wives Yellow Pages.
**How to post** You need to start a discussion and then put your info into it.
It has come to my attention that the message board starts posting over old posts when a certain number gets hit. Title the discussion with a very basic title as in "Nerd for computer needs" or something like that. Use keywords so women can ctrl+F search for the help they need. Keep your actual post basic and leave contact information as possible.
Click the following to join the group, First Wives Yellow Pages
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