When Reality TV Isn't Very Realistic

When Reality TV Isn't Very Realistic

The other night I was flipping through the channels on TV and stumbled upon a new VH1 reality show called The Tool Academy. Have you seen this train wreck yet? The premise is this: Some guys who think they are competing for the title of Mr. Awesome soon discover that they're actually on the show because their significant other thinks the men are "tools" and need relationship makeovers.
At one point the women all sit down and watch recorded interviews from their boyfriends and the men reveal all sorts of horrible details. The majority of the men were cheating (some with multiple women) and some of the men boasted about how they had their women "in check." These men bragged that their girlfriends paid the bills and cleaned the house and didn't talk back.
So the women are all watching this with their mouths wide open, gasping and crying, and a couple of the women turn and slap their boyfriends across the face.
You would think that at this point the women would run screaming for the hills to get away from these men — but au contraire — the contestants are then told that the couple who lasts through the whole competition will win a cash prize. Eyes start sparkling and suddenly these couples are calling each other by pet names again.
One woman told the rest of the ladies that a man can be successful but without a good woman behind him he's nothing, to which they all nodded in agreement. Apparently these women think it's their jobs in life to "stand behind" their men, no matter how badly they treat them or how much they make them look like fools.
I was amazed. I can't figure out if these women are sticking around because they want to see their men change, or if it's for the cash prize, or if they just want to be on TV. Then again, maybe it's a scripted show disguised as a reality show designed to make women like me scream at the television.
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