Want a Great Life? Decide What’s Important

Want a Great Life? Decide What’s Important

There’s a lot going on lately! The world’s buzzing with news of prominent people spiraling down the economic ladder. Local populations are exploding with octuplets and hate mail, while millions just got done grooving with the new and changing political landscape.
I battened down the hatches and took to traveling this winter, without so much as a glance backwards at my stuffy little town, full of gossips and gadflies. If the world is going to hell in a hand basket, I’m going to enjoy every last minute!
I headed west, first stopping in Los Angeles for the Go Green Expo. (Highlights? Lotsa cute twenty-somethings wearing organic cotton loin clothes while waving peace flags.) I flirted my way into the DomeGuys.com, and pounded drums with raw abandon until the walls of the Los Angeles Expo center started to shake.
Then on to Glendale to see my brother and sister-in-law, where we read our Bibles and prayed for duller times.
All the while, my long distance love affair continues to thrive, months into it and hundreds of miles later from Hastings On Hudson, NY, to Topsham, Maine. This Valentine’s Day millions of women got red roses, while I got six pounds of Haddock straight from Eastern seaboard. My Maine man is fast becoming my best friend. He’s mellow, easy going, and makes me laugh.
We exchange weekend trips faithfully. It’s like having a weekend house with the best possible scenario: I never need to clean, I’m always a welcome guest, and with us, it’s always back to basics.
We exchanged no gifts for Christmas, celebrated in casual style with champagne and our closest friends over New Year’s and keep the focus on the important stuff. Every weekend is a getaway. Every week is a new adventure. While the rest of the world swirls with drama and chaos, my attention remains fixed on keeping a calm sweet spot, just for my kids, my lover, and myself.
Want to live a great life? Decide what’s important. Turn off the news. Plan on doing with less stuff. Love and live loudly. Start now!
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