Do you believe in "signs"? This is not a rhetorical question. Do you? Remember in Sleepless in Seattle when Meg Ryan said she didn't believe and then the vintage dress tore in the attic with her mother, and she said, "It's a sign."
I believe in them. And isn't that really why most of ask these type questions — so we can tell you what we think and then give you an example? (Smile)
My mother died in October of 2000. It's easy to remember the chain of events that happened the fall before and the fall after. On September 29, 1999, I was driving my Isuzu Trooper into the city of Anchorage, Alaska, for the very first time in my life. And the fall after my mother died, 9/11 happened.
About a month after she'd passed and in early November of 2000, I was sitting in my house in Alaska feeling alone, cold, and depressed. Stinky was spending most of his time up on the North Slope working in the oil industry, and that particular afternoon, the children were sleeping. I put in an old VHS (ah, remember those?) of the movie Ghost.
What's important here is that my mother went to the movie theater twice in her lifetime: once to see The Way We Were and second to see ET (I took her). She was not a movie or television fan. She read books, and lots of them. However, she'd bought this movie for me for some reason. She came home with it and gave it to me as a gift. She said, "I thought you'd like this." Odd.
That afternoon in Alaska, I decided that I needed to watch this movie, so I pulled out a big comforter and hit play.
At one point in the movie, Demi Moore sees Patrick Swayze for the first time since he was murdered, and at that very moment, in my own "life's" movie, my door flew wide open and a rush of leaves blew in. It was simply magical.
My mother loved the fall. It was as though she was sending a sign to me to tell me it would be alright. It was her. It had to be. My door was heavy metal, not only shut tightly but locked. In the two and a half years I lived in that house, the door never blew open before or after. It was a sign.
Recently I've been faced with a big decision. I've asked God to send a sign. Over the weekend, the signs started coming, and they came in a big way. There were four distinct signs. I'd say that's a record. I've made the decision to make a career move and get back into media. I'm 51, and I'm scared. I've been out since Hurricane Katrina, but I'm taking the leap of faith.
Don't be afraid to make a change, regardless of your age, weight, education, resume, bills, children, etc. Ask for a sign, and you'll get one. Make sure you're reading it right, then jump off the edge and dive right in! Because even if the water's cold, you'll get used to it.
What Others Have Shared ()
i got chills when the door blew open!
Fear Is Powerful
Signs of Change
Heck fire woman, I need
yep- signs are everywhere.