When I signed up for school in November I was excited. I felt I needed something that would offer me something to do, other than sit around and worry about my circumstances — money, divorce, the kids. I needed something new and fresh in my life, and I felt that school would be a positive change for me.
I was just tired of worrying. I'm still excited about the potential that I will have when school will be over for me, but it's just tough. It's different than I expected, and it's challenging. I love a good challenge, but I can tell you that I am exhausted. My brain is often over-fried from handling all of the same amount of decision-making, work, house issues, children issues, all on top of school.
So, I'm finding my own balance, being able to work on even more than I was before — and still have a positive attitude. I enjoy the process and will remain positive about the opportunity for me to learn, improve, and expand as an individual.
I also will be counting down the days until the next break period. Just like a typical student! I can't deny that I love being able to just relax and veg around the house.
As much as I enjoy the holidays, I'm really relieved that Christmas is over. I had an enjoyable season with my children and my family. I've grown so much closer to my family, sans husband. He never wanted to entertain at our house, and was never interested in spending any time with my family. So, after a few years of pleading with him, I finally just gave up and we stopped attending many of the family functions around the holidays, just so that I didn't have to listen to him complain.
I now regret making that concession. It wasn't fair to me, or my boys. They had so much fun playing with their cousins and enjoying the love that surrounds a large family. I'm sad that we missed out on previous holidays, but I'm pleased that there are more to come. They're not going anywhere, and they've not shunned us, despite my ex's behavior.
It's so easy to misjudge the value of things in your peripheral vision. Family has always been very important to me, but I was blinded by the fact that I haven't been a very good participant in my extended family. They've been there for me through thick and thin, and I didn't really see that, until now.
My vision has definitely changed. I won't deny my boys any more of their loving family. Now is the time I need to reach out to them, as the throes of 2008 will bring my "epic" divorce trial. I think I will definitely need some hand squeezing!
I love taking pictures. I enjoy the memories and impressions photographs leave in your mind as you turn them through your hands. I also enjoy scrapbooking — combining my pictures with the stories of events.
It's funny how many stories you forget if you don't take the time to write them down. I enjoy working on my albums. They remind me of awesome memories and make me grateful for the positives in my life.
Recently, I was asked for a picture of myself. Now, I have all of my photographs archived digitally online, as well as in disks burned from my computer. Yet, when I went through my albums, one by one, I had a difficult time finding a picture of myself. Mind you, I LOVE taking pictures — so I have handfuls of photo disks. I'm always behind the camera!
My heart skipped a beat. I create beautiful albums for myself and my children, but they lack an essential element — me. Yes, I created the material, but I was deeply saddened that my image was not among many of the pages.
I seek now to make sure I have some incredible photographs of me, and of course, with me and my precious boys. I will make sure I share my camera, and not hide behind the lens any more. I didn't even realize I was hiding — but perhaps I was. One more place to hide behind feelings of unhappiness, I suppose. I will not hide anymore. Bring on the lights, camera — action!