Monday is a huge day for me. I'll be starting a program that will allow me to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Education with a specialization in English. While I am technically teaching in this field already, I want to focus my efforts on teaching a younger crowd.
I love engaging in the smiles of children and interacting with them. I work closely with my church nursery and this experience has allowed me to recognize in myself what I want most — to work with children.
I was homeschooling for three years, and this was probably one of the greatest achievements I have accomplished. I was in charge of the early elementary aged students and all activities associated with the local homeschooling organization. I loved it. I received tremendous feedback and the outreach of this effort was an incredible experience for me. This is something I don't have in my current position, and I realize that I need the reciprocation of others to enjoy the work I do.
So, while I've researched and planned and prepared for the schooling process, I officially embark on this journey on Monday. I'm excited and scared. I am dedicated though, and know I will work hard so that I can do well. I jumped in with the understanding that the time is now. I also hoped that by working towards a goal of mine, I would be less burdened by my divorce and legal muck.
I am taking a huge leap of faith. I hope everyone has the courage to do so, for themselves.
At the start of each year, I always sit and reflect. I take special note of what my expectations are for myself for the coming year, or things I resolve to work on that will help me get to those goals. I do this for my children as well - things I'd like to help them work on throughout the year. This was especially helpful while teaching them. Writing down my goals gives me great focus and a great sense of joy once those goals are accomplished.
My divorce will continue in 2008, hopefully wrapping up by this time next year (please?). While I don't have any control over this facet of my life, I'd like to consider that a door is closing. And where one door closes another opens.
I feel a door that has opened for me is enrolling in a program to finish my bachelor's degree in education. I loved working so closely with my homeschooling group, and out of everything in my life that has changed, I truly miss them the most. I miss the exposure to the kids, having fun with them and teaching them. I aspire to finish my education so that I can get back on the track of inspiring other children and parents. I love the outreach involved in working with young kids, and I'm ready to dive in to this passion.
I think for me, one goal at a time is going to have to be substantial. While my goal to finish schooling won't be finished in 2008, I have high hopes and ambition for the day when I can cross off this accomplishment from my list. Time flies, and I plan to make the most of this experience - which is what really counts, right?
I'm a sucker for inspirational books, blogs, and messages. I digest them with ferocity, and I feel at times that an inkling of the "fruit" is being emulated in my life.
I've written in previous blogs about my desire for change. I received comments to go for life's open doors, and to go ahead and seek out positive change. I'm feeling little tugs at my side again, as I realign the goals I want. I really think the biggest change for me is going to have to be my job. There are aspects of the job that I love, but I think I've grown out of my position. I'm not sure that the time is right, but I'm not getting any younger. I've cut my hair, lost weight, bought new clothes — so I'm almost totally new on the outside!
My ex took a lot of items out of the house, so I rearranged the furniture to keep the house from looking so sparse. There has been so much change. It is overwhelming. I know it is. Most of it, though, isn't the positive kind of change that I'm proud of. That's the kind of change I want — something to be excited about, and maybe even have someone else excited about it too.
I'm ready and waiting. I don't expect something to whack me in the face, like magic, and make everything better. I do believe in the power of coincidence though, and am happily awaiting a sign in the right direction.