Taking Single Motherhood One Day at a Time

Taking Single Motherhood One Day at a Time
(check out my blog every Monday and Thursday)

Adrian's birthday is on Saturday. I'm going to have a party with my friends and family to celebrate on Sunday, but for his actual birthday I have planned for the two of us to spend a fun filled day together.
I mean really, its just been the two of us on this journey, so it seems right.
We're going to Manhattan to see a Dora the Explorer show — his favorite — and then I plan on taking him around to see some sights; the tree at Rockefeller center, to start with.
I can't tell you how excited I am for this day. Can't really express in words how much it means to me to see my little baby turning two. This has been quite the adventure so far. So many good times turned into wonderful, amazing memories; and I'm certain that there will be so many more to come.
It's times like these, times when I start to reminiscence on all that has taken place over the last two years — from first foods, to first smiles, to first steps, to first words...all the firsts — that I have a hard time feeling anything but absolute pity for Levi.
I must admit that there have been times, like where I've worked a 12 hour day, that I have been jealous beyond belief that Levi is seemingly living it up in Los Angeles. Jealous that he can sleep in, or take a shower when he wants to, or see a movie, or go for a walk, or out for dinner, or do any of the things you can do when you don't have any real responsibilities.
But now, when the jealousy comes I simply ask myself, would you trade any of the last two years for that?
The answer, of course, is no. I would never.
I am, simply put, totally ga-ga over my boy and probably more excited than he is for his special day.
Happy Birthday, Adrian!
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