The Sound of His Voice...

The Sound of His Voice...
Episode 77 of Sarah's vlog

There are many things in the world that make my molecules hum, but one of the most potent is the sound of Ahmed’s voice. I don’t know what it is… It was one of the things I fell in love with right away. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, that sound makes me smile every time I hear it. There were lots of things that got old or boring or annoying in our marriage, but listening to him speak never fell into that category.
I’m bringing this up now, because that’s all I’m getting of Ahmed these days. It is too hard for us to be together. Well, harder for him because he’s a typical man. So, he’s drawing his boundaries and we haven’t seen each other much over the last few months.
But, we still talk twice a day. I call him every morning to say good morning and he calls me every evening to wish me good night. It’s a pattern we’ve had for 6 years and it’s the hardest pattern to break. I don’t want to break it. I could go on calling him every morning for the rest of my life.
(It occurs to me his next wife might have a problem with that. Sigh)
The thing is, no other man’s voice has quite the same effect on me. I always thought I was a visual person. There are plenty of other men who are attractive to me in the looks department. The DI at my gym has an unbelievable body. The graphics guy in the Art Department at work has the most disarming smile! They guy who asked me out last week? Cute! No doubt about it!
My eyes have been tempted. My body… yep… tempted. My ears? Hmmm… not so much. As a matter of fact, there have been moments when I find myself totally turned off by a voice! Who knew it was such a large element in the chemistry equation!
What is it about Ahmed’s voice that tunes my heart into such a twitterpated frequency?
And is there another voice out there will have the same effect one day?
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