Say What? Some Men on Viagra May Lose Hearing?

Say What? Some Men on Viagra May Lose Hearing?

Posted to by Debbie Nigro on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 2:16pm

Wow...Decisions, decisions. Sex or possible loss of hearing? For once a sexual decision that's not a babe's problem.

A new study points to a link between Viagra and long-term hearing loss, so men will now have to decide what they're willing to risk losing.

Based on the past history of male behavior, though, I don't think you "viagra lovin babes" have anything to worry about since you all know that men make irrational decisions when dealing with that body part.

So much for the hearing.

In fact, many men might consider it a blessing to be able to perform and not hear a word you're saying. You may want to point that out as a benefit to him if you see your guy wavering when you're in the mood.

More important, though, this news has me worried for you — for safety reasons of course.   What might become of a babe, whose pumped-up lover doesn't hear her calls of the wild?... as in "Ouch that's my weak hip", or "Stop, your gold cross is stabbing my eyeball"? Geez...Maybe Viagra should now come with Flash Cards?

I have another concern: The Viagra lie. This latest news gives men a tremendous excuse to "pretend" they don't hear you. So you better be on your toes if your Viagra man says "life's a trade off" and sorry he can't hear a word you're saying — all while he's listening to a baseball game on the radio.

Oh yeah, there's one more side effect you babes need to know about that was mentioned in a prior report about Viagra and Cialis. It's called Transient Global Amnesia — a sudden temporary episode of memory loss.

That report said, "During a TGA episode, recall of recent events simply vanishes, so a victim (victim? I'm sure they meant to say beneficiary) is unable to remember where they are or how they got there. They may also draw a blank when asked to remember things that happened a day, a month, or even a year ago."

This is a real possible side effect, but a babe should be aware it could be used as a very handy excuse when Viagra man realizes you found out he stopped off with a buddy at a strip club. Say What?


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