Quality Family Time: Glad I Did It

Quality Family Time: Glad I Did It
(check my blog every Tuesday)

My family is crazy. When I think of all the things I've survived, I not only feel lucky, I feel amazingly blessed. I decided a long time ago to take it one day at a time, and I do!
After gliding through the New Hampshire holiday with extended family, kids, and new boyfriend, I got online today and booked Christmas and February break, too. I am not afraid.
Sure, there was drama over Thanksgiving, but what would a family vacation be without some swearing, reminiscing, and rehashing?
My family and I took stabs at each other between the hugs, tears, and promises to always stay in touch. Then we said our goodbyes as if this was our last week on earth. The stock market is going to hell in a hand basket, but I continue to breathe deeply and say to myself over and over, this too shall pass. I reassure myself that I'm still here and body/mind are functioning well, so what the hey?
This time last year, I was embarking on a singles journey north to Maine to begin a dating frenzy. Make a note gals: Maine and Alaska are desperate for attractive, half way intelligent females and, if you are really eager to make a lasting partnership, I recommend you jump right in. You can be a star!
Even though I didn't meet Mr. Right during that trip, I did fortify my mission to be self-reliant and open to whatever the future might hold.
Fast forward to the future and here we are. I stand before you as an eight-year kidney transplant survivor. (Yesterday, December 30th was my transplant anniversary and also, ironically enough, what would have been my 23rd wedding anniversary, if I hadn't been divorced for the last five years.)
Ever wonder about things like that? What are the chances a kidney transplant and a wedding anniversary would end up being on the same day?
Well, I celebrate in style. I celebrate everything in style. The first year after my divorce became final, I toasted with a glass of champagne every night for 365 days.
Now I'm celebrating 20 years of family holiday gatherings in New Hampshire, the one year anniversary of meeting my current partner, seven years of Mamapalooza, oh and, the formation of the International Mothers Network (InternationalMothersNetwork.org).
My advice is to live each day as if it were your last. It could be.
Nothing is worth the suffering or worry we inflict on ourselves. Don't dwell. Don't be petty. Gratitude is a way of life.
Oh, and don't forget to write thank-you notes — the kind with pen on paper — to all the relatives who put you up, fed you, and played late night scrabble with your kids during Thanksgiving week, even though they are all a little crazy.
I'm sitting down to do it right now.
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