The Perfect Family, Me, and a Little Jealousy

The Perfect Family, Me, and a Little Jealousy
(check out my blog every Monday and Thursday)

As I briefly mentioned in my last post, "Getting Rid of the Husband, Getting Rid of the Bed," Adrian and I moved last week. It wasn't a huge move; in fact, we just moved upstairs in our building, but it was exhausting nonetheless, and as of now I have vowed to never move again.
My landlords live above us. I remember a time in my life where I never would have lived in the same building as the owners. Hell, I remember when I didn't even want them to be in the same state. But upon meeting these two you instantly get a good feeling about them — they're pretty great.
But come to find out, they may be those rare breed of people that are just too great. As a result of living below them — under them — I'm starting to develop a serious inferiority complex. I do my best. I know I do. I work my ass off so that I can pay all of my bills and I spend as much time as possible with my son. In my opinion I'm a pretty great mom. landlords are almost perfect. In fact, the only reason I'm throwing the "almost" in there is simply due to the fact that they're human. (I think.)
They have what appears to be a perfect marriage. They have two perfect kids — happy, good listeners, smart, and cute. And they raise their kids in ways that I wish I could raise Adrian: two parents, healthy food, happy family holidays, no television — the list goes on and on.
It's hard to not get the feeling that they are shaking their heads as they pass my door at 7 pm and hear the TV blaring. But I'm sure they're not. They're too perfect for judging.
Perhaps it's not inferiority that I'm feeling after all; perhaps it's just good old fashioned jealousy. It's tough to see two people have everything that you've ever wanted. Especially when you have to see those people every day.
But, whatever it is — jealousy, inferiority — I've got to get over it.
I'm not moving again.
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