Not every divorce is nasty, contentious, and filled with bitterness. But does that make it any easier? In this episode, Sarah shares her experiences — both good and bad — of going through a...
So it’s time to give love a second chance. Or is it? How do you when know you’re ready to date? And how long do you wait before telling Mr. Might-Be-Right that you’re — gulp — a...
This week’s “D-Word” is a special double feature! First, the ladies delve into the nature of divorce itself. Is it just a break-up with paperwork, or does the very word “divorce” imply...
Space… the final frontier? Nah, just the much-needed distance and solace you need after living under the same roof with the EX. The women of the D-Word weigh in on the pros and cons of being...
Anyone who has been following my story up to this point knows that the time has come to make my divorce official. I've been separated for a year. It's time. So what's the hold up? I'm asking...
Making the decision to divorce is always tough. But when you have a child, the stakes are that much higher. In this episode of the D-Word, Michelle shares how her child gave her all the strength...
Think back to that defining moment. You know, the one where you knew your marriage was over, that all bets were off. Here, the ladies of of "The D-Word" discuss when they knew their marriages had...
This past summer will henceforth be known as "Cohabitation Experiment Summer." Yes. Just a few short months ago, Mike and I tried living together — in strictly controlled, scientific circumstances, of course.
The Initial Plan: I am used to spending the summers in New York. Since I am now dating someone who lives there, living in the NYU dorms no longer seems like a good plan. Mike, unfortunately, lives in an apartment the size of a shoebox. There is no possible way two people can spend an entire summer in a place this size and not tear each other's faces off. We both like being alone too much. We both want the option of getting away. We need a door to close.
We decide that he will sublet his shoebox, I will take the money I normally spend on the dorms, and, together, we will sublet a larger apartment for the summer.
This will be a living together experiment. We will see how we do when it's longer than a week or two. We are pretty sure we're not ready to live together For Real — at least, I am, but this will not be For Real. There is a time limit. It is temporary. It is safer. We will discover new and exciting things about our relationship.
Delightful Possibilities: The luxury of spending time together without anticipating its end in a few short days. Seeing what "real life" with each other is like. Waking up together every morning.
Scary Possibilities: That we won't get enough alone time. That I will somehow freak out and mess everything up.
All these things, as it turns out, came to pass.
Next post: Alice examines just why this experiment was such an epic failure.
Before I met Ahmed, I couldn't stand being alone. I craved the company of other people. But, being married to a fellow extrovert has made me appreciate solitude. At least for now...
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Ahmed and I will be signing papers in October. This week, I sat down with him to ask if he is ready for the final step. I'm not sure I got an answer.
Click here for more of my story or view my...