I have to admit, you have been a hard year to live through. I have felt more pain in your 365 days than I have in all other years combined! (Except, perhaps, for 1990… my freshman year in High school.) Although I grew a lot over the past 12 months and have many things to thank you for, I am quite happy to say goodbye to you. In these final days, I hope you don’t mind if I say goodbye to all the things I hope to leave behind as you draw to a close and a young and hopeful 2009 takes your place.
Goodbye profound sadness! I have felt you seeping away little by little as visions of the future start to overlay snapshots of my final days with Ahmed. You have been a noble yet predatory emotion. You pounced on me in the strangest places: in movie theatres and subway cars, in the shower, in the mirror, and in the bed right before I fell asleep. You always seemed to catch me off guard, but I don’t resent you. You are a measure of how much I have loved and how much I will miss certain aspects of my marriage. Your painful grip on my heart has reminded me that I am alive. Still, I am not sorry to see you go… you are meant to be vivid and brief. I hope we will not meet again for a good long time…
Goodbye uncertainty! I have chosen my path now! There is no need to linger any longer. You have been dismissed. I won’t miss you and, although I am sure you will continue to pop up intermittently in the coming years, I doubt you will have such an impact on my other endeavors. You may take your two-headed loud-mouthed cacophony elsewhere. I can’t hear you now.
read more »For the last few weeks, my mind has been betrayed by my body. My mind made a decision... my body doesn't really want to follow along. How long will it take for the two to get back into synch...
Maybe the holiday spirit will show up if I surround myself with holiday things. At the very least, I'll have something pretty to look at for the next few weeks.
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I am letting him go. My bed is empty. My hands are empty. My thoughts, for the moment... are blank. Before I can move on to something else, I have to acknowledge the nothing I am left with.
In the words of Thornton Wilder: "We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures."
This week I am conscious and I have never felt so alive. To all...
OK!... now I know what the problem is! Is there an anesthesiologist in the house?
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One of the fears I have is that, when Ahmed and I finalize everything, I won't feel as connected to his family anymore. Wait... do you mind if I talk directly to them? You can listen in if you...
In order to divorce me Islamically, Ahmed has to declare that he divorces me. Signing the paperwork pales in comparison to actually hearing the words. That declaration is what we are both putting...
Anyone who has been following my story up to this point knows that the time has come to make my divorce official. I've been separated for a year. It's time. So what's the hold up? I'm asking...