
The D-Word: Amicable Divorce

Posted to House Bloggers on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 1:02am

Not every divorce is nasty, contentious, and filled with bitterness. But does that make it any easier? In this episode, Sarah shares her experiences — both good and bad — of going through a...

The D-Word: On Dating After Divorce

Posted to House Bloggers on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 12:32am

So it’s time to give love a second chance. Or is it? How do you when know you’re ready to date? And how long do you wait before telling Mr. Might-Be-Right that you’re — gulp — a...

This week’s “D-Word” is a special double feature! First, the ladies delve into the nature of divorce itself. Is it just a break-up with paperwork, or does the very word “divorce” imply...

Space… the final frontier? Nah, just the much-needed distance and solace you need after living under the same roof with the EX. The women of the D-Word weigh in on the pros and cons of being...

A Void

Episode 65 of Sarah's vlog

Posted to House Bloggers on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 12:24am

Anyone who has been following my story up to this point knows that the time has come to make my divorce official. I've been separated for a year. It's time. So what's the hold up? I'm asking...

The D-Word: Divorce... With A Child

Posted to House Bloggers on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 1:02pm

Making the decision to divorce is always tough. But when you have a child, the stakes are that much higher. In this episode of the D-Word, Michelle shares how her child gave her all the strength...

The D-Word: The Final Straw Before Divorce

Posted to House Bloggers on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 10:44am

Think back to that defining moment. You know, the one where you knew your marriage was over, that all bets were off. Here, the ladies of of "The D-Word" discuss when they knew their marriages had...

This past summer will henceforth be known as "Cohabitation Experiment Summer." Yes. Just a few short months ago, Mike and I tried living together — in strictly controlled, scientific circumstances, of course.

The Initial Plan: I am used to spending the summers in New York. Since I am now dating someone who lives there, living in the NYU dorms no longer seems like a good plan. Mike, unfortunately, lives in an apartment the size of a shoebox. There is no possible way two people can spend an entire summer in a place this size and not tear each other's faces off.  We both like being alone too much. We both want the option of getting away.  We need a door to close.

We decide that he will sublet his shoebox, I will take the money I normally spend on the dorms, and, together, we will sublet a larger apartment for the summer.

This will be a living together experiment. We will see how we do when it's longer than a week or two. We are pretty sure we're not ready to live together For Real — at least, I am, but this will not be For Real. There is a time limit. It is temporary. It is safer. We will discover new and exciting things about our relationship.

Delightful Possibilities: The luxury of spending time together without anticipating its end in a few short days. Seeing what "real life" with each other is like. Waking up together every morning.

Scary Possibilities: That we won't get enough alone time. That I will somehow freak out and mess everything up.

All these things, as it turns out, came to pass.

Next post: Alice examines just why this experiment was such an epic failure.


Episode 61 of Sarah's vlog

Posted to House Bloggers on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 12:24am

Before I met Ahmed, I couldn't stand being alone. I craved the company of other people. But, being married to a fellow extrovert has made me appreciate solitude. At least for now...

Click here for...

Ahmed and I will be signing papers in October.  This week, I sat down with him to ask if he is ready for the final step.  I'm not sure I got an answer.

Click here for more of my story or view my...

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