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Mr. Mom Holds Up His End of the Deal

Posted to House Bloggers by Naomi Dunne on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 8:01am

When I was married, neither my husband nor I could make any real money at our jobs. We had to have a two-income household because our two crappy incomes were only really the equivalent of one real one.

Eventually, I got my skills to the point where I could run a fairly lucrative business from home. I now make more money from the comfort of my couch than my partner can make working outside the home.

We've decided to make him the stay-at-home parent and me the working one. It works for us — nobody has to leave the house, and somebody is always around for our toddler.

Good, right?

Apparently not. It seems like we are now finding ourselves the objects of reverse sexism. It seems like all of the feminists — the ones who talk about equality and women's rights and, uh, equality — are looking at me like I'm out of my mind.

"But if you both worked you could make more money!"

"But what does he do all day?"

"It must be so hard working from home and taking care of the house work and the baby all by yourself."

Did I get divorced again and not realize it? Am I single? Have become a martyred slave? Why is it that as I finally get empowered, people start thinking the opposite?

Maybe it's jealousy. Maybe so many of my friends have divorced total assholes and they don't realize that there are responsible and contributing men in the world. Maybe they just don't understand that other people aren't as upset all the time as they are.

Maybe I need to find some girlfriends who aren't so damn bitter.

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