Since finally deciding to get divorced, I started the process immediately. When it comes to my personal life, I’m not exactly known for my follow-through. But I saw a paralegal on Wednesday.
I don’t know what the rules are in other countries, but in Canada it’s pretty easy to get divorced when both parties are willing. It’s probably going to cost me $800, which makes me feel pretty dumb for waiting so long. Basically, I handed the woman a check for half the cost and I’m on my way to getting divorced.
The weirdest part about the whole thing was getting ready to serve papers. I’ve always thought that when you have papers served on you, it’s a very bad thing. It was really strange calling my ex and letting him know that I was about to do that to him.
I thought the conversation was going to be awkward but in the end, he just asked if he needed to do anything. We figured out that it would be easier for him to come over to my house and confirm that he received the papers than to make sure he was home for when the person came. (Who is that person, by the way? A paper server? A courier?)
All in all, it was pretty anticlimactic. I thought I would feel something — anything. If I felt anything at all, it was feeling like an ass for waiting so long.