
My state has been making the news lately because of a really lenient law regarding child abandonment. Apparently, any child can be dropped off at a safe haven, so laws that were designed to protect newborns only apply to all children, regardless of age.

Suddenly people can give up their kids to authorities, without persecution, no matter what age the kids are. Are you having a bad day with your rambunctious toddler? Drop him off with the authorities. Is your teenager driving you crazy? Pack her bags and send her away.

There was a story of a man dropping off his kids that made national headlines because he surrendered nine children of varying ages. Authorities were left scratching their heads because according to the law the children belonged to the state now and there were no ramifications for the dad.

Why is it so simple to wash your hands of your children but walking away from your spouse takes thousands of dollars and countless hours of legal mumbo jumbo? Imagine a law where spouses could just look at each other and say, "You know, this really isn't working," and then they walk down to the courthouse and are declared divorced. Voila. It's like a magic trick.

I'm not saying this is the best idea. I'm personally a fan of trying to make things work before throwing in the towel, but I'm left scratching my head over this law that lets you walk away from your own flesh and blood. Do you want to leave your spouse? Prepare for myriad legal bills and confusing laws. 

Do you want to leave your children? If you live in the state I live in, you're in luck. 

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