I write for a variety of Web sites. I'm really blessed to have steady work from a lot of different sources. I also do some editing work for a couple of sites, so all in all, I'm all over the Internet on a regular basis. My husband knows the name of some of the places I write for, and once in a while he'll Google me to show off to his coworkers, but for the most part he doesn't really pay too much attention to where my work goes.
Needless to say, he doesn't know that I write for this Web site.
The other day I walked into the house and my husband was waiting for me in the entryway. "I read some of the stuff you wrote on your baby blog," he said, and then immediately followed that up with, "I don't like the way you made me sound."
It was one of the first times he had ever sought out some of my writing online and actually read it, and of course the first thing he stumbled upon was the baby blog. The article he found was one where I discussed how many babies we wanted to have, and how I only wanted one or two while he was willing to go for four. The post was designed to be entertaining for people to read, but he saw it as a personal attack.
That night I was working on the computer while he watched some TV. Out of nowhere he said, "Do me a favor and send me a list of all the Web sites you write for, would you?"
I'd like to think that he's decided my writing is worth reading and that he can't wait to dig into my long list of bylines and see what kind of stuff his wife can churn out. I think a more accurate assumption, however, is that he wants to check up on me and see what horrible portrayals of him I'm putting out there. Because, after all, it's all about him, isn't it?
I haven't sent him the list yet. Heck, he can just Google me like everyone else.
What Others Have Shared ()
that's very interesting- of
Girl, watch your back!