I have back problems that sometimes spread up into my neck, and it gets really painful. I have two young children who I can't lift and a bunch of housework that doesn't get done because it hurts to lift stuff. Thank God I have a job I can do while sitting and not moving.
Luckily for me, the pain comes and goes and with the help of my chiropractor/massage therapist/sleepy meds I muddle through. I don't spend all my time in pain, but when it does hit I'm pretty useless.
My back pain was in full force the other day, so I was happy to finally make it to the evening and lay down to go to sleep. My husband was already in bed so we chatted a little. He asked me how my back was feeling (code for "Can we have sex?") and I replied that it hurt pretty bad (code for "Please don't make me do that right now").
"You know," I said, "maybe I should get a pillow like yours." He has one of those pillows to keep the back and neck aligned. The thought occurs to me that maybe we can switch pillows for the night and in the morning I can go buy my own. He doesn't have back problems, and it would be great to try something — anything — to make my back feel better.
Before I can propose the idea he replies with, "Yeah, maybe you should get one," and then rolls over on his side to go to sleep. He's done with me. I can't offer him what he wants, so that's that.
Years ago he would have thought about switching pillows long before I did. He would have gone to great lengths to help me get comfortable. I laid there thinking about what a different man he is now, but then the thought occurred to me that maybe he was thinking the same thing; after all, when I was 25 years old I didn't have back problems and didn't have to deny sex because of my aches and pains.
Then again, I wasn't given much of a choice about my back. Giving up on chivalry, though...that's a choice.
What Others Have Shared ()
don't listen to them
Is he a different man or is the situation different?
You do have a choice
Megan,<\p> Seems to me that you are in complete control over the major stressor in your marriage. You have two pre-school children and a husband who travels a lot for work and provides a good income. Yet you have chosen to pursue a demanding writing career that has you working late at night and frequently stressed (back pain?) and exhausted by deadlines. You have chosen to put your husband dead last behind career, kids, friends, volunteer work, etc., and are somehow surprised, hurt and resentful that you are not #1 in his eyes. If you want to rescue this marriage, drop the writing until both kids are in school, and work at convincing your husband that he is #1. Your call.
jeffb <\p>
memo to jeff: get a grip
re: get a grip