By September I had tuned out the rehashing of the campaign's policy stances and the reporting on insignificant campaign minutiae as if each detail was an important political development. I made up my mind months ago who I would be voting for. So had all of my friends. Who were these "undecided voters"?
In an October Daily Show skit Jason Jones and Samantha Bee scream at a focus group of them: "Obama wants to socialize healthcare, McCain wants to buy your house. Tax cuts for seniors, or tax cuts for the middle class? One uses a Sharpie, one uses a ballpoint pen. One's black, one's white. One's young, one's old!" Clearly, totally different.
Sam Bee finishes: "Why. Can't. YOU. DECIDE!"
It's comedy, not political analysis. But the point remains: It's not like they are similar. They are nothing alike. Why, then, the waffling?
When is comes to choosing life with or without Rob, the vast differences in circumstances paralyze me. Change is scary, and familiarity comforting. But clearly, sticking with the status quo is not always best. Just ask the millions who elected Obama!
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Ready for a change!!!