Sick day equals time for TV. I guess I'd forgotten that daytime television really is crap. But I just saw something rather compelling. On The Bonnie Hunt Show, Denis Leary claimed the key to the success of his marriage is that he and his wife agreed to never divorce. My first thought was "That's brilliant, Denis." But there could be something to it.
Apparently, Leary thinks the divorce rate is high simply because divorce is an option. If it weren't an option, you'd find ways to make your marriage work.
Tell that to the women stuck in abusive relationships. Hopefully, he'd give them special dispensation.
I kind of hated what he said. But I've learned strong reactions can come from fear of the truth. So why not investigate?
I change my mind so often about Rob and me it's embarrassing. What if we lived by the Denis Leary rule? Would we settle in to this marriage more easily and enjoy ourselves? If we stopped hedging about our long-term chances, could we get on with life? Get a dog? Buy a condo? Start a family?
Truth is, I can't imagine feeling sure about Rob and me. Perhaps certainty about anything is just not in my nature. Maybe I'm too analytical. Or is it inherent dissatisfaction? I'd hate to think I'm just a negative Nellie come what may, but who knows?
Perhaps an experiment is in order: Take the idea of separation off the table for a few weeks and see what develops.