Looking For Love In All the Far Places

Looking For Love In All the Far Places
(check out my blog every Tuesday)

Last year this time, I was utterly alone in the dating pool and doing backstrokes. Actually I felt like I was drowning, until I hauled myself out of the pool, loofa-ed myself off and shed my old skin.
Internet dating was new for me, but I decided to boot up and list myself on Match.com, eHarmony, even Craig's list (that was a little scary) for the holidays.
First I had to determine the geographical area of my Internet dating pool. Westchester and New York City held no allure. The competitive, combative, and — frankly — sometimes untrustworthy Kings of Everything didn't interest me. Not anymore.
I was looking for the real thing and that meant doing a pretty in-depth self-analysis.
The best phrase I could come up with was, "Rugged Individualist." What else do you call a pink-haired, 50 year old rocker mom, mother of four, lupus survivor like myself?
I figured "Rugged Individualist" was a pretty good fit.
So where do Rugged Individualists live? Alaska seemed too far, but Maine was only a five-plus-hour car ride, which might do.
All my postings went out to Maine, and only Maine.
My ad said:
Lover of life, enthusiastic, even-tempered, smart woman, with high visibility job in the arts, seeks the culture, companionship, outdoors, sailing, sea-gazing, swimming, skiing, biking and walking. Currently at work on a book, I am passionate about living life to the fullest everyday. I care deeply about my friends & family. Very independent! Looking to move slow and make friends. Patience is a virtue and interesting people are a blessing. Since I live and breathe music, I don't need much entertainment at night, except I love good food, glass of wine and movies. Looking to learn, enjoy and be open to the wonders around me, with a big smile on my face and my car ready to hit the road at a drop of a hat.
Some guys wrote back with incredulity, wondering why a New Yorker would be looking as far north as Maine, but I stuck to my missive and struck up a few really interesting conversations with skiers, pilots, and school teachers.
Within a week, I'd booked a full schedule of Christmas dates and reserved a room at a the Haraseeket Inn in Freeport, Maine, home of LL Bean.
I don't want to blow the rest of the story, and I don't want to start a Northern feeding frenzy, but here's a tip gals.
I could have had a date every hour, on the hour, for my entire Christmas/New Year's break in Maine. Ever heard of the movie Seven Brides For Seven Brothers? I was all seven brides!
So here's my holiday tip for you: if you're ready and willing for a change, don't limit yourself to old habits and old geographic boundaries. Love has no location and you never know what kind of present you might get if you figure out what you're looking for and really go after it.
Ho, Ho, Ho and good luck!
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