I'm Not Interested in Babysitting My Husband Tonight
I'm Not Interested in Babysitting My Husband Tonight
(check out my blog every Wednesday and Saturday)
Not only have I neglected to put the Leary theory into effect, but I've acted quite the opposite of a married woman who has taken separation off the table.
Tonight one of my fellow yoga teachers-in-training is hosting a dinner party for our group and our significant others to recognize our hard work and transformation — like a pre-graduation party. It's a chance enjoy each other's company before the stress of the final exam and practicum after which (if we pass) we'll leave the group and go into the world as registered yoga teachers.
And I never even told Rob about it.
This morning he woke up with a terrible cold, and I had an out. "Aw," I said, "I forgot to mention this get-together tonight, and now you won't be able to come."
It's not that I'm embarrassed of him or want to keep him out of some part of my life. I just don't want to babysit. I want to mingle and enjoy myself.
When you have a child on your hip, it's harder to make real connections with people. Instead, you're busy interpreting for the child, cajoling him, attending to him. This is what I have to do with Rob. He just blanks out otherwise; he turns into the most uninteresting, white-bread guy you've ever met. He says nothing at all, which I find stiflingly uninspiring.
Perhaps it's not very yogi-like of me to say — maybe, in fact, I sound like a complete bitch — but I'd rather go alone than have him by my side tonight.
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