How I Met The Babe Who Is Opening America's First Drive Through Sex Shop

How I Met The Babe Who Is Opening America's First Drive Through Sex Shop

America’s first adult toy drive-thru store is opening in Huntsville, Alabama this weekend. Now you can pick up your prescription for a sexy evening without getting out of your car!
Located at Huntsville's busiest intersection, a former bank building and its three-lane drive-thru window will offer up a four-foot-tall lighted menu offering a variety of toys, lubes, and stimulants, most costing less than $20. All items are placed discreetly in a small paper bag and delivered through the teller drawer.
"It’s a new level of privacy, and it feels good to give something back to the community,” said Business owner Sherri Williams who for 20 years is proprietor of the infamous adult store Pleasures.
That Sherri is a unique business babe with a great sense of humor. How do I know her? Funny you should ask.
Back in the mid 90's I had a line of clothing on the Home Shopping Network under my then 'Working Mom On the Run' label.
When I'd fly down to appear on TV to sell my line of loungewear, I'd stay at a great hotel in Tampa. I was a single Mom, and single moms like hotels a lot.
On one trip I took my then grammar school aged daughter along. Just me and her, though I have no recollection of how I managed being on TV without a babysitter.
After finishing 'appearing' my daughter and I went back to the hotel where I changed and wiped off the ten pounds of TV makeup.
Then I took my daughter out for a walk to a nearby row of stores and into what I 'thought' was an ice cream shop named "Pleasures."
The only thing I can figure is, I must have been temporarily blinded from the glare of the Florida sun bouncing off the storefront windows when I opened the store door, because all I remember seeing was a pretty cappuccino machine up front. Before I could re-focus my eyes indoors, my daughter tore off running after a puppy in the store, and before you could say long john silver , she was running full speed down a long aisle of sex toys. OMG.
I literally crashed into Sherri Williams as we were bolting out of her store. A single mother of a young daughter herself, she followed me out to share an unusual kindred single mother moment.
Sherri was a tall force of nature like me, so we had one of those big girl eye to eye commiseration conversations. Strange how a 'sex toy babe; and me, 'the mommy prude' connected and remain friends till this day.
I was selling " Loungewear' and she was selling stuff that had nuttin to do with 'lounging 'around yet, we bonded as single moms and shared a mutual appreciation of each others entrepreneurial business efforts.
Walking back to the hotel holding my daughter by the hand, I was thinking how I'd never have the nerve to sell sex toys. My daughter was thinking what nerve I had she never got her ice cream, so we got some, then went to our room to pack for our flight home to New York.
Sherri, a generous soul, decided to followup our run in with a gesture of girlfriend goodwill and so she stopped by the hotel unexpectedly before we left to give me a gift to take home.
Actually she brought me what looked like an arsenal of 'gifts' from her store to take home and to share with some girlfriends. All of the 'gifts' were packaged in discreet pretty floral bags of various sizes I might add, as Sherri has always been clear in her mission to make women feel comfortable in her world.
Meanwhile I could not have been more uncomfortable in my world. While she was talking, the X Rated Movie OF MY SEX TOY ARSENAL CROSSING THE AIRPORT SCANNER was already running in my head!
What kind of sick mother travels with a little girl and all this stuff? I'd be less stressed carrying cocaine in my sock. The chances of me being pulled off the security line pulled and put into a secure area to inspect this arsenal of sex toys was highly probable. Plus, besides doing the loungewear clothing thing under my brand " The Working Mom on The Run", I was a nationally syndicated radio personality with big sponsors who would not be amused with the media coverage of " Working Slut On The Run" and young daughter dragged off airport security line."
There was no room in our suitcase to even get the stuff out of the hotel. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but "Did I need this aggravation?" My mind goes a little fuzzy as to exactly what happened next, but it was something along the lines of giving away my 'gifts' to everyone who helped me along the way to the airport. Pretty sure everyone from the taxi driver to the airport bag handler got a BIG tip. LOL.
Seriously what kind of mother would travel with more TOYS than her kid?
Attitude Is everything!
Debbie Nigro
For 10 years Sherri fought the state of Alabama to keep politicians out of the bedroom and was featured in a highly-publicized '20/20' segment with John Stossel. The investigative news story followed Williams' and the ACLU's battle to overturn Alabama's ban on adult toys. BTW . Sherri is now happily Re-Married.
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