Back in December, when I started sharing thoughts here at FWW, my half-way back-on-again fling with Sam was new. We'd been apart for more than a year, sleeping together again for about a month.
I left in October 2006, but I guess in some ways I never totally left. Not for long anyway.
A week after I moved, we went out to dinner and a concert for my birthday. November was Lila's birthday and Thanksgiving. December, Hanukkah and Christmas, then New Year's.
I couldn't handle it. One holiday after another we just kept celebrating together. Apart. I couldn't say no.
I said it was for my kids, but maybe it was more selfish. Maybe it was not wanting them to be angry or upset with ME, or not wanting to miss out on something I gave away in the move.
There were a few months that winter, 2007, I went cold turkey. Saw him only when we transitioned the kids, and worked it so there wasn't time for dinner or small talk. We usually met on the fly and I was all business.
For two months, maybe three, our longest conversation was under three minutes. That was it. I was done. I was ready to file.
Then spring brought more birthdays, and slowly, slowly I went drifting right back in.
By the time my birthday rolled around again, October, we were having sex.
When this blog started, I had no idea so many other women were just as half-in, half-out as me. And I thought Sam and I would be back together by spring.
Now spring is closing in on summer, and one year is closing in on two.
I'm not sure what I'm doing.
But I'm doing the best I can.
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I know exactly what you mean.
You'll figure it out when
It Aint Over...
"Now spring is closing in on