
I am... -A production designer working in film, television, and events; designing scenery, graphics, and occasionally a background for muppets. -A child of the 70's and 80's with a deep love for movies like The Goonies, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and all things Henson. -Originally from the mountains of North Carolina, a place I miss profoundly in the Spring when the azaleas are blooming and in Fall when mischievous pumpkins are grinning from numerous porches. -A woman who loves her husband even though our marriage is not working.

Location: New York City

Age: 30s

Stage of Divorce: Navigating Divorce

Recent posts by Sarah Farthing

Sarah Farthing • 1/01/2009
I have to admit, you have been a hard year to live through. I have felt more...
House Bloggers
For the last few weeks, my mind has been betrayed by my body. My mind made a...
House Bloggers
Maybe the holiday spirit will show up if I surround myself with...
House Bloggers
I am letting him go. My bed is empty. My hands are empty. My thoughts, for...
House Bloggers
In the words of Thornton Wilder: "We can only be said to be alive in those...
Sarah Farthing • 11/20/2008
Ahmed and I have drawn a line in the sand. No more intimacy. No sex....
House Bloggers
OK!... now I know what the problem is! Is there an anesthesiologist in the...