Divorced Woman Joins Protest Against National Real ID License Idea ~ Please do not make me get a new Drivers ID! Seriously, I have enough trouble identifying myself every day, without getting the whole country involved. Unless something changes I've got till May 2008 to figure out who the hell I am.... or I cant fly, enter a federal building or open some bank accounts. Last time I flew they confiscated my hair gel... I don't need this extra pressure. Today, as If I have nothing else to do, I now have to add " backing the entire Maine legislature" to my "to do" list. Yes, they are loudly opposing the Real ID Act of 2005. This is the new federal identification network which will set a national standard for drivers licenses and requires states to link their record-keeping systems to national databases. The laws supporters say its needed to prevent terrorists and illegal immigrants from getting fake ID cards. Opponents are worried about privacy. I am worried about having to explain myself. You want my ID?...be my guest.....I was married but now I am not . My expired married name is attached by a hyphen to my maiden name so that I remain related to my own daughter. I only use that last name when I want to match her or when I want to pretend I am not me. Most people do not know it, but it is on my license. When asked my name.. I have to stop and think ...see it depends who the heck is asking. Sometimes I give my first name with my maiden name with my full middle name.. without my confirmation name. Sometimes give my first name and my maiden name with just my middle initial ...which by the way is wrong on my license as a result of motor vehicle clerk typo. (I was just glad to get the hell out of there, and have not had the patience to go back. It's been 3 years) Sometimes I give my married name without my maiden name and without my middle wrong initial, and sometimes I put my maiden name with my correct middle initial and the hyphen to my ex's married name as well. Sometimes I hand over my business card, which only has my maiden name and not my married ex's name so no one in business knows my daughter's last name, and no one at the bank know who the hell I am... Plus no one here has considered how many times a year I have to color my hair. The woman on my license looks like an imposter. What's the national security plan on the hair coloring issue? You don't think terrorists know about L'Oreal Feria? I think we had better slow down and think this through. Debbie Nigro ... "Chief Executive Girlfriend" First Wives World