OMG...even my hair follicles are swollen. I am typing this while eating left over sweet potatoes because I just read they can debloat you. I'll get to that in a moment.
First, I just want to announce that the only thing I will strangely be grateful for these next few days is early darkness.
Darkness makes bloated people look more attractive.
Allow me to point out there is a marked post-holiday difference between swollen divorced women and swollen married women.
That being, that married women usually have a matching swollen spouse.
Single divorced women feel swollen alone and have little desire to attempt to get dressed attractively and socialize with the opposite sex.
Bloating for us is a lonely sport.
Post-holiday emotional and physical exhaustion when you wing a holiday without a wingman usually leads at some point to thumbing lazily through women's magazines you've been meaning to read searching for tips to lose weight.
On page 23 of the December issue of First Magazine I found the sweet potato flat-belly connection.
It said, "Each of these tasty tubers contains 950 mg of potassium — nearly twice the amount in a banana.
This electrolyte enhances the kidneys ability to eliminate retained fluids, banishing bloat in as little as 24 hours.
Plus sweet potatoes' betaine clears fatty deposits from the liver, accelerating the organs breakdown of belly fat for fuel."
Okay, if they say so.
I must not have eaten enough of them during Thanksgiving dinner to offset the other 20 dishes.
The ones I am eating now still have baby marshmallows attached.
I am not sure if that's a deal breaker. I'll let you know if I am still unable to get dressed in 24 hours.
Attitude Is Everything!
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