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Losing Your Marbles

Me? I lost my fruit...!

Posted to House Bloggers by Debbie Nigro on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 2:19pm
It goes without saying that if you're a divorced, single mom there will be days, because of everything you're juggling, that you think you're losing your marbles. Me, I lost my fruit.

A couple of days ago I went to the store and bought some containers of hot food and one filled with fresh fruit. That same day I also went to Target and bought some "almost clear" plastic storage bins. When I got out of the car, I put the food inside the bins to carry into my house. When I got into the house, I took out the food and put it away and left the bins.

Day before yesterday I was driving and remembered I bought fruit but had no idea where it went. Yesterday, I finally moved the plastic bins from my living room to my bedroom and noticed a white plastic bag that was leaking. Much to my surprise, I found the fruit. The fruit went in the garbage, the plastic bin went into my shower and I still have no fresh fruit.

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