Yesterday in NYC I was walking briskly along with a businessgal buddy when the oddest thing happened. I hooked a man — literally.
I was carrying a suit bag filled filled with clothes on hangers over my left arm as we yapped our way down the street.
An older gentleman and his wife were walking past us in the opposite direction. They obviously passed too close and somehow my hangars hooked on the husband, and yanked me backwards after him.
I was trying to unhook myself from him but his wife thought I was intentionally molesting him and was pulling him away from me yelling, "He's mine!"
She obviously didn't see the hanger.
Strangely, the same thing had happened just three minutes before with a construction guy as I was crossing the street. That one almost cost me a two by four to the head.
So here's what I discovered: You can literally hook a man on the street.
Now I just have to work on my aim.
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