By Paul Lambert, FWW co-founder.
With knees knocking, a divorce rap swirling in her head, and her Adam's apple lodged in her stomach, Debbie Nigro energetically took to the stage at the Gotham Comedy Club in New York and made the whole crowd laugh themselves silly.
She was hysterical as she talked about "cougars", the plight of divorced women, her approach to life and fun, and most of all, she shared how absolutely petrified she was standing up there, but what the heck ... "I am giving it up for a good cause".
That made me think about giving... and as she put it, "giving it up".
Marty Ingels once wrote that in this world of "give and take," too many people "take" and not enough people "give".
So I started to reflect this morning on "giving". We can all do it. Give a smile, a word of encouragement, a hug.
Anne Frank said, "No one has ever become poor by giving". And Winston Churchill said "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".
So as I sat back and reflected on the courage and determination that Debbie put into her wonderful comedy routine, I thanked God for this wonderful girlfriend who has devoted most of her life to giving to others.
I feel better, had a good laugh, and remembered that great St. Francis of Assisi quote: "For it is in giving that we receive".
Debbie received a lot of applause the other night, but deep down I'm sure she received something much greater: The satisfaction of stepping up to the plate and "giving it up" for a good cause.
So today, thanks to Debbie, I am going to focus on giving. Quietly. And in small actions.
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Debbie, comedy, courgars...oh my!
Debbie Does Divorce Comedy
Divorce humor and I missed it?