The Day My College Girlfriend Told Me She Had Breast Cancer I Felt My Heart Sink

The Day My College Girlfriend Told Me She Had Breast Cancer I Felt My Heart Sink

My mother beat it while she was alive, but her sister Doris at 56 did not. Nor did my cousin Rosemary at 38.
Ellen (in the photo on the right) is now a bilateral breast cancer survivor. Why? Because Ellen hit breast cancer head on with courage, a positive attitude, and a lot of love and support from the medical community, family and great girlfriends.
Our other college girlfriend, Lori Wrubel, (in the photo on the left) is a brilliant product maven. She created this THINK PINK GROW-A-HEAD in honor of Ellen and all the other strong women out there who have survived breast cancer and in memory of those that did not.
Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death in women. There are over 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the US. There are great strides being made. Early diagnosis is critical. Mammograms are critical.
Buy a THINK PINK GROW-A-HEAD from my girlfriend Lori to bring a smile to anyone you know affected by breast cancer, or buy one in honor of someone you cared about who lost the breast cancer battle. A portion of all sales of the THINK PINK GROW-A-HEAD will be donated to National Breast Cancer Foundation.
It's important we keep hitting breast cancer Grow-A-Head On!
(P.S. That's Ellen's lucky husband Michael in the picture in the background. Lori is embarking on a new life after Divorce) ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!
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