Contemplating the New Man

Contemplating the New Man
(check out my blog every Tuesday)

"Who is he?" the Good Doctor asked me about Jack, my new man. I looked at her quizzically. "Where have you seen this person before?" she said. "He must remind you of someone in your past for you to be so comfortable with him so quickly."
Oh. We'd agreed that my ex, Edgar, was my father. (Yikes!)
I thought for a moment (one of the very expensive moments that come in a 50-minute hour) and drew a blank.
"Nobody," I said. "He doesn't remind me of anybody else."
He was far more honest and open than the other men this sick puppy had been involved with. And he was eager to help me with pretty much anything — something else I'd never seen a lot.
I concluded that he was different from all who had come before, which made him ideal.
There are none so blind as those who will not see...
Jack and I have been together for months now, and I think I've figured out who he is: both of my controlling parents.
Oh, dear.
This didn't occur to me until I read Elaina's post from Friday. "We seek," she wrote, "not only what we know, but what we know will force us to grow."
Great. As if living once again in the same town as my parents wouldn't be enough to stretch me.
I have no idea yet what I'll do with this insight. I have decided that running down the road screaming isn't an option.
For now.
I know that when I'm not mad at Jack, he's fabulous. When I am mad at him, I'll try to recall that my history may have something to do with it.
Either way, he's a blessing. And way cuter than many of the other hard lessons I've chosen for myself.
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