Blogger Update: This Relationship Is Under Construction

Blogger Update: This Relationship Is Under Construction

Maya here. It’s been a few months since I’ve posted — time to bring the community an update.
It turns out the endless agonizing over the question to leave Rob or not, and the constant wavering back and forth, did settle out after I stopped methodically writing about the state of my mind and marriage. But other forces are at work as well.
My father’s Alzheimer’s Disease has progressed at an alarming rate, a dear friend has been diagnosed with stage IV cancer, I lost my grandfather, work became stressful, and anxiety (when I was younger, present in sufficient amounts to be called a “disorder”) has crept back up a bit.
When life is rough, beggars can’t be choosers. I have accepted Rob’s help and support and I have loved and appreciated it. And him!
But this is not to say that only when times get rough and I can’t make it on my own do I appreciate my husband. First, that’s not true. I’m pretty confident and I can manage a lot on my own.
The way I see it is he didn’t have to come to my aid to the extent and in the wonderful ways that he has, but as things went from bad to worse, his commitment only strengthened. It is his decision to stick by me, even though he knew I had wavered on “us,” and the caring and thoughtful way he lends his support, that has softened my heart.
And sex? Not quite yet, but we’ve gone from not touching at all to hugging and cuddling a lot, so who knows? Maybe by my next update!
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