Joining The Crime Scene Team

I never realized how nervous I would be sitting in the office of a private investigator. What if someone came into the office with a gun? What if it misfired and struck me? What if my kids were visiting and a fight broke out?

I should have thought of this before.

I promised John Bentley that I would monitor his phone calls in the DeVito case so I couldn't leave. I sat there for two hours and the phone rang 24 times. The receptionist kept shaking her head, "no" that the incoming calls had nothing to do with me. Finally, Bentley called to say that another DeVito employee identified the bloody blouse. It belonged to Annie Norman.

The Miami Beach police were organizing search teams. John wanted me on one of them for the next four hours. He offered to pay me $100. Everyone else was a volunteer. He thought it was a great idea to learn more about his business and what better way to start than on a search team. I told him I still didn't know if I should take the job. He said I didn't have to commit to anything but this assignment was extremely important to his agency and they needed me or anyone else they could trust because the case was high-profile and complicated.

He told me there would be certain restrictions to my involvement because I wasn't licensed but the PIs would be doing all of the serious work. I was backup for research, recording details and coordinating the communications between the associates.

I put on my sneakers and then raced to my assigned location: The beach at 8th Street. My heart was pounding.


The problem is...

that when you group a far-fetched blog like this in with other blogs that are authentic, (Akilah's blog for example), it makes people question the authenticity of all the blogs on the site. I'm fine with entertainment. I love a good epic story with installments. But, you need to develop an entertainment page where it's clear that fiction is fiction, keeping it separate from all of the people who are being brave enough to put their real lives up on the internet for the benefit of others.

Otherwise, you devalue their efforts.


The Plot Thickens

I just googled Annie Norman and Devito's. Nothing came up. How on earth could such a high profile case not be covered by the media? Wait! Could it be that this is just a, a, a work of fiction? Naaaaah, there must be some kind of cover up going on.


I bet we'll find out on her next blog that Leo's responsible for Annie Norman's death.

Leo who?

Seems "to good to be true" Leo has just completely dropped from this whole far fetched scenario. . . .go figure?!


He's on the lam with Annie Norman.




Welcome to the spin zone. This story sounds more like someone trying their hand at writing a mystery novel (fiction) than someone writing a blog that pertains to the subject matter of this website (and non-fictional).


Wow, this is like a spy novel. This is an amazing new chapter in your life!


Yea right.

I wouldn't mind reading good fiction if it was tauted as such. This crap is going to be the death of this site.

Want real?

Your comments are wonderful

we had quite a spike today.........thank you

Death? If death means a huge surge in eye ball counts, more investors ponying up, major coverage in high profile mags, a line out the door with people who want to write for FWW, major advertisers wanting to sponsor Lucy, a major newspaper syndicate wanting to brand Lucy,

then...........this must be death by Chocolate. Why don't you identify yourself? I hope you have real substance or are you one of these hacks that go around making cynical noise

I love Lucy
And she loves me
We are as happy as we can be

I am well-identified, unlike

I am well-identified, unlike all the "guests" posting here. Blogs and websites invite controversy. I am not the only one doubting the truth in these posts and if you are going to post something you have to realize some people will like it and some people won't, whether its fact or fiction.

I came looking for true interesting stories. I am divorced with a dead ex-husband and have enough drama in my own life, all real.

Good luck with the site and your novel.

I don't believe much of what

I don't believe much of what Lucy blogs either. But I do look forward to each installment. Similar to how I used to look forward to the next episode of General Hospital.

I Just Visited The Sites You Recommended

Please tell me that you are sophisticated enough to know the difference between Newsweek and The Globe?

I love Lucy

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