I feel tortured — bound, gagged, and waiting for another beating.
I'm emotionally exhausted. Every day, my ex does something new to harass me. I want this divorce to be over. I want to be left alone. I want to create new beginnings — but I'm stuck in the ever-growing punching bag of this divorce.
There are new allegations against me on a weekly basis — that I'm verbally abusive, unkind to my children, abusing drugs and alcohol — the list goes on. I believe this all to be a projection of his own issues, and I have proof that none of his claims are true, but he knows that this shit gets to me. He knows that I become irritated with threats to my integrity and moral character, which I'm proud of.
He continues to claim that I don't relay information to him. I've communicated to him that all information will go through our son's backpack in a sealed manila envelope — per my attorney's advice — yet he complains. I'm sorry, I'm not going to personally deliver anything to him — it's against my injunction.
He however, has no boundaries, and even though the injunction expresses he is to not come to the house, he's trying to exchange information "personally" through our mailbox. Not okay. I plan to file another police report and hopefully this time they will use it against him, especially since we have a status conference with our judge soon.
I refuse to continue to be trampled on any longer. I will stand up for myself.
What Others Have Shared ()
Tortured too!
New Beginnings
this too will pass